French Fire
- 100% Contained
- 908 Acres
- 1 County: Mariposa
Date Started
07/04/2024 6:33 PM
07/04/2024 6:33 PM
Last Updated
07/19/2024 2:00 PM
07/19/2024 2:00 PM
Admin Unit
CAL FIRE Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit
CAL FIRE Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit
Incident Management Team
No team assigned
No team assigned
French Camp Road at Hwy 49, Mariposa
French Camp Road at Hwy 49, Mariposa
Status reports
Status reports
Evacuation Orders and Warnings
Immediate threat to life. This is a lawful order to LEAVE NOW. The area is lawfully closed to public access.
Closed areas
- Stockton Creek Resevoir and trail (Mariposa Trails).
- Road to MCHS baseball field and track
All evacation warnings have been lifted in residential areas.
Damage Assessment
Confirmed Damage to Property, Injuries, and Fatalities.
7Structures DamagedResidential, Commercial and Other
11Structures DestroyedResidential, Commercial and Other
0Confirmed Civilian Fatalities
0Confirmed Firefighter Fatalities
0Confirmed Civilian Injuries
4Confirmed Firefighter Injuries
Incident Photos

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