The purpose of the Forest Legacy Program is to protect environmentally important forest land threatened with conversion to non-forest uses. Protection of California’s forests through this program ensures they continue to provide such benefits as sustainable timber production, wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, watershed protection and open space. Intact forests also contribute significantly to the storage and sequestration of carbon.

Under this competitive grant program, CAL FIRE purchases or accepts donations of conservation easements or fee title of productive forest lands to encourage their long-term conservation. The primary tool CAL FIRE uses to conserve forest lands in perpetuity is permanent Working Forest Conservation Easements (WFCEs). WFCEs do more than just restrict development and conversion on a property, WFCEs protect forest values by concentrating on sustainable forest practices that provide economic value from the land and encourage long-term land stewardship.

Forest Legacy Projects

This viewer displays boundaries, funding details, and other information on conservation easements and fee title purchases that CAL FIRE has funded since the start of the Forest Legacy Program. To view more lands protected by other public agencies, visit the California Protected Areas and Conservation Easement Database.

This program is entirely voluntary. Eligible properties include those with working forest and rangelands, where the property is managed for the production of forest products and traditional forest uses are maintained. Landowners who wish to participate may sell or transfer particular rights, such as the right to develop the property or to allow public access, while retaining ownership of the property and the right to use it in any way consistent with the terms of the easement and management plan.

Priority is given to lands that can be effectively protected and managed and that have important scenic, recreational, timber, riparian, fish and wildlife, threatened and endangered species, and other cultural and environmental values. CAL FIRE regularly partners with other funding agencies to select high value landscapes for conservation easement projects.

All projects are evaluated on four main characteristics:

  1. Importance – Does the land provide important economic, habitat, watershed, water supply, recreational, scenic, historical/cultural benefits?
  2. Strategic Value – How does the property relate strategically to other properties adjacent or in close proximity to it?
  3. Threat – How is the property threatened by development or conversion to other uses?
  4. Readiness – To what degree has due diligence been completed?

Project costs covered by the Forest Legacy Program grants include purchase of interests in lands, appraisals, land surveys, closing costs, establishing baseline information, title work, purchase of title insurance, conservation easement drafting and other real estate transaction expenses. Also included are funds expended to facilitate donations of land or interests in lands to a qualified and willing entity for Program purposes. 

The Forest Legacy program as administered by CAL FIRE is comprised of two separate but complementary programs:

1. The California Forest Legacy Program
2. The Federal Forest Legacy Program administered by USDA-Forest Service in cooperation with CAL FIRE.
3. The Federal Community Forest and Open Space Program

All three programs operate in a very similar way, with differences including the source of funding, requirements on the entity that holds the easement, and the application timeline and materials.

Federal Forest Legacy Program

Status: Closed

The Federal Forest Legacy Program External Link is administered by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) in partnership with state agencies (16 U.S.C. Sec. 2103c).  This competitive, merit-based federal program allows for conservation easements and/or fee title acquisitions with funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund/Inflation Reduction Act. Prospective applicants apply through CAL FIRE. Interested potential applicants should contact program manager's Peter Leuzinger or Kevin Kiniery (contact information listed below) to find out more about the program and program requirements.

Community Forest Legacy Program

Status: Closed 

The Community Forest Program offers a unique opportunity for communities to acquire and conserve forests that provide public access and recreational opportunities, protect vital water supplies and wildlife habitat, serve as demonstration sites for private forest landowners, and provide economic benefits from timber and non-timber products.

Program Basics:

  • Full fee title acquisition is required.
  • Community Forests can be owned by local governments, tribal governments, and qualified nonprofit organizations.
  • The program pays up to 50% of the project costs and requires a 50% non-federal match.
  • Public access is required.
  • Lands acquired through the program are actively managed in accordance with a community forest plan to provide community benefits.
Peter Leuzinger

Forest Legacy Program Director
(530) 723-3651

Kevin Kiniery

Forest Legacy Program Coordinator
(559) 281-8479