Incident Update Airport Fire

3:38 PM

Public Information Line: 714-628-7085

Public Information Email:

Primary Media Line: 949-447-1627

Secondary Media Line: 949-447-1627

Incident Facts

Airport Fire
Start Date/Time
Incident Status
Trabuco Canyon and Rose Canyon, Trabuco Canyon
Under Investigation
Orange, Riverside
Administration Unit
Riverside County Fire Department
Unified Command Agency(s)
Structures Threatened
Structures Destroyed
Structures Damaged
Civilian Injuries
Firefighter Injuries
Civilian Fatalities
Firefighter Fatalities

Current Situation

Situation Summary

Fire crews will take advantage of favorable weather conditions again today in an effort to connect incomplete pieces of fireline around the perimeter. Along the southern portion of the fire, there are areas that are inaccessible to bulldozers and firefighters to perform continuous handline or dozer line due to the presence of natural features such as rock cliffs and other unreachable terrain. Areas that are holding heat beneath the brush canopy in rocky, steep areas have a higher potential for roll out of burning vegetation. In these areas, secondary lines, also known as contingency dozer lines, are being constructed as a precaution against roll out and fire spread.

Many areas within the fire perimeter have the potential for minor flareups. Night crews located some spots across the line last night in the northeast portion of the fire near Santiago Peak and were able to extinguish them. Additional crews have arrived to construct line north of Silverado Ridge to tie in to existing dozer line.  Mop up and line reinforcement continues in the El Cariso area. Fire operations are focused on continued direct suppression using ground crews that will be assisted air resources when needed.  Warmer, dryer weather conditions are anticipated this weekend. 

Governor Gavin Newsom has secured a Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help ensure the availability of vital resources to suppressing the Airport Fire.

3D Map

Airport Fire Daily Map Products

Road Closures

Highway 74 is now open. There is still infrastructure repair occurring through Highway 74 please use caution and slow to a safe speed. Commuters should expect intermittent lengthy delays due to ongoing repair of infrastructure along the highway. Be aware that several roads off of Ortega Highway in or near the fire area in both Riverside and Orange Counties remain closed.

Hard Road Closures

  • Trabuco Canyon Road and Trabuco Creek Road
  • Santiago Peak Trailhead via Maple Springs

Soft Road Closures

  • Modjeska Grade Road and Santiago Canyon Road 
  • Modjeska Canyon Road and Santiago Canyon Road 
  • Silverado Canyon Road and Santiago Canyon Road 

Evacuation Zones

Evacuation Information:

Evacuation Orders

Orange County:

  • Zones: ELC01

Riverside County:

  • Zones: RVC-1521-A, RVC-1622-A, RVC-1724-B, RVC-1725-B, RVC-1798-A, RVC-1865-B

Evacuation Warnings

Orange County:

  • Zones: ORT01B

Riverside County:

  • Zones: RVC-1521, RVC-1622, RVC-1724-B, RVC-1800, RVC-1725-B, RVC-1798, RVC-1865-B, RVC-1934-B, RVC-1802, RVC-1521, RVC-1622, RVC-1724-B, RVC-1800, RVC-1725-B, RVC-1798, RVC-1865-B, RVC-1934-B, RVC-1802

Evacuation Shelters

Orange County:

  • Care and reception shelter(s):
    • Foothill Ranch library located at 27002 Cabriole Way, Foothill Ranch, 92610 is now open. Small household pets can co-locate.

  • Large animal shelters
    • Orange County Fairgrounds: 88 Fair Drive;  Costa Mesa, CA               
    • Los Alamitos Race Course: 4961 Katella Avenue, Cypress, CA             
    • Nohl Ranch Saddle Club: 6352 E. Nohl Ranch Rd. Anaheim, CA
  •   Animal services:                
    • OC Animal Care: 1630 Victory Rd., Tustin, CA
    • Orange County residents that need animal assistance can call (949)470-3045


Riverside County:

  • Care and reception shetlers:
    • Ortega High School located at 520 Chaney St., Lake Elsinore, Ca.
  • Animal shelters:
    • Jurupa Valley Animal Shelter: 6851 Van Buren Blvd, Jurupa Valley, CA
    • Riverside County residents needing assistance with large animal evacuations can call (951) 358-7387

Assigned Resources

Numerous firefighting air tankers from throughout the State are flying fire suppression missions as conditions allow.

Water Tenders
Hand Crews
Total Personnel

Cooperating Agencies

Name Phone Address URL
CHP, Orange County Parks, California State Parks, Orange County Animal Control, CalOES, OC Public Works.