Cultural Resource Management
CAL FIRE is responsible for the protection of resources over a large portion of the state. Cultural heritage resources, which include places where past events occurred and where material traces of these events can be found, are especially vulnerable. Such traces include archaeological, historical and tribal cultural sites, structures, objects, features, places, cultural landscapes, sacred places and artifacts. Unlike renewable resources such as trees or wildlife, heritage resources are irreplaceable, and when damaged or destroyed, are lost forever. The purpose of the CAL FIRE Cultural Resources Management Program is to identify and manage archaeological, historical, and tribal cultural resources located within project areas under CAL FIRE jurisdiction and to develop methods to protect these resources from project-related impacts. This is accomplished through regulations, policies and procedures requiring cultural resource surveys of project areas, evaluation of potential impacts, and the incorporation of protection measures before project approval. This program provides cultural resource surveys, technical assistance, project review, and training to CAL FIRE staff and other resource professionals. The legal mandates that require CAL FIRE to protect archaeological, historical and tribal cultural resources are found in the California Environmental Quality Act, the Forest Practice Rules, California Executive Order W-26-92, and the California Register of Historic Resources.
Native American and California Native American Tribal Contacts
September 7, 2023
General Information
CAL FIRE, in consultation with the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and members of California’s Tribal communities, has developed a Native American Contact List (NACL) to identify the appropriate Native American tribes and individuals to be contacted during the development and review of Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs) and other types of CAL FIRE Projects.
List Users
This list is available to Certified Cultural Resources Surveyors and CAL FIRE staff to initiate consultation procedures specified in California Forest Practice Rules (CFPRs) (14 CCR Sections 895.1, 929, 949, 969), state law (CEQA, PRC Section 21104), regulation (14 CCR Section 15064.5) and CAL FIRE policy (Native American Tribal Communities and Relations 5000) and procedure (Cultural Resource Review Procedures for CAL FIRE Projects).
Use of the NACL
This list is to be used to initiate engagement and consultation with Native Americans regarding planned projects under the above-referenced laws (see CFPRs and Procedures for process and requirements). The goal of engagement is to ensure that Native perspectives and concerns are incorporated into project planning. Outreach must include a good faith effort to communicate with affected communities and individuals; comment periods required by rules or policy should be considered the minimum. Any response received from this outreach must be addressed.
Sample letters may be found on CAL FIRE’s website for download. All letters must be accompanied by maps of the project and its location within the county. Email and telephone contact may be appropriate as well; ask listed contacts for their preference.
List updates and distribution
CAL FIRE provides the NACL list to its users through posting on the CAL FIRE Cultural Resources page biannually in January and July. Contacts are updated by NAHC and through ongoing communication with contacts on the list. Users should communicate any known updates to CAL FIRE through their reviewing archaeologist.
Native American tribes or individuals wishing to be placed on this list must complete and submit the Application to be included on CAL FIRE NACL List (document linked below). CAL FIRE will consult with the NAHC and respond in writing. Likewise, California Native American tribes or individuals wishing to be deleted from this list must submit the Request to be Removed from CAL FIRE NACL List (document linked below) to CAL FIRE in writing.
CAL FIRE’s Native American Contact List (XLS)
NACL Maps (PDF Format)
Senior Environmental Scientist Cultural Resources Specialist – Sacramento Headquarters Climate Investments Fire Prevention
(916) 708-5264 (mobile)
Senior Environmental Scientist Cultural Resources Specialist – Sacramento Headquarters. Timber Regulations and Forest Restoration - Cultural Resources Training
(916) 539-8467 (mobile)
Environmental Scientist Cultural Resources - Sacramento Headquarters (NEU/AEU/TCU)
(916) 224-9207 (mobile)
Senior Environmental Scientist Cultural Resources Specialist - Northern Region (MEU/LNU/CZU/SCU)
(707) 576-2966 (office) -- (707) 529-7989 (mobile)
Associate State Archaeologist – Northern Region (BTU, TGU, LMU, SHU, SKU)
(530) 224-2486
Environmental Scientist Cultural Resources – Humboldt (HUU)
(707) 576-2966 (office) -- (707) 529-7989 (mobile)
Associate State Archaeologist - Southern Region (MMU, FKU, TUU, BEU, SLU)
(559) 243-4119 (office) -- (559) 203-0864 (mobile)
Senior State Archaeologist - Southern Region (RRU/Kern/Los Angeles/Santa Barbara/Ventura)
(951) 901-5029 (mobile)
Associate State Archaeologist - Southern Region (BDU/SDU/Orange)
(951) 901-5029 (mobile)