Prescribed Fire
The planned and controlled application of fire to the land under specified conditions, to reduce vegetation and risk from wildfire.

First-of-its-kind fund provides support and protection for prescribed fire and cultural burning, reducing wildfire risks in California
One of the primary obstacles to increasing the pace and scale of beneficial fire use in California is the difficulty for practitioners to obtain adequate liability coverage, although the rates and losses from escapes are very low. Public Resource Code (PRC) sections 4500 and 4503 establish the Prescribed Fire Liability Fund Pilot Program (Fund). Guidelines have been established by a collaborative group of state agencies, prescribed fire practitioners, burn bosses, and cultural fire practitioners. Enrollment in the Fund is achieved by completing the California Prescribed Fire Claims Fund Online Application. Claims and questions can be sent to's a Prescribed Fire?
We can get more prescribed fire on the ground by cooperating with our partners (video). These resources are intended to help you connect with skilled partners to develop collaborative burns.
Partners to reach out to plan a collaborative burn in your unit:
- California’s Prescribed Burn Associations
- University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Fire Network
- California Association of Resource Conservation Districts
- CAL FIRE’s Grantees
- The Nature Conservancy Fire Staff:
Sarah Gibson
Fire Manager, The Nature Conservancy in California
(415) 488-7036
Lyndsey Lascheck
Prescribed Fire Specialist, The Nature Conservancy in California
(208) 720-6917
Staff Chief - Prescribed Fire