Reforestation Services Program
The L.A. Moran Reforestation Center, 5800 Chiles Road, Davis, CA 95618

California has been devastated in recent years by catastrophic wildfires, changing the landscape of forests and wildlands, our homes and lives. As fires sweep through the state, keeping our forests healthy and wildfire resilient is more important than ever. Growing enough trees to meet the increasing need is our highest priority—and future seedlings will contribute to the strength and restoration of the state’s forestlands.
The Reforestation Services Program (RSP) serves all California forestlands by providing resources to protect and restore disturbed and degraded forests, maximizing their values, enhancing ecosystem functions, and increasing resiliency from climatic impacts.
SEED AND SEEDLING REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. Seedling orders will re-open April 1st. Seed orders will re-open in September
Seedling Requests
Who We Are
The L.A. Moran Reforestation Center has a long-standing history of serving California. Established in 1921, the Reforestation Center has been growing tree seedlings since its inception 100 years ago. Embracing CAL FIRE’s ongoing mission to protect the people and resources of California, the Reforestation Center has produced millions of tree seedlings for the state’s reforestation efforts.
The demand for tree-growing operations has expanded dramatically over the last decade due to California’s drought, tree mortality, and devastating wildfires. The Reforestation Center provides a reliable source of quality tree seedlings and seed stock to private landowners and public forests in California. We are expanding our operations to meet the growing needs of our communities.
What We Do
Our native tree seeds are important for California’s future. Conifers like pine, sequoia, and cedars form cones. These cones produce seeds, part of the forest’s natural reproduction cycle. The Reforestation Center specializes in processing, lab testing, and growing seedlings from cone-bearing trees.
To obtain the highest quality seeds, the Reforestation Center surveys vast and often difficult to traverse locations throughout California. Harvesting superior seeds require using cones produced in the top one-third of the tree! We work closely with highly-trained climbers to reach these heights. Once harvested, the cone seeds return to the Center, where staff begins the rigorous procedure of processing and laboratory testing.
About the Nursery
Located at Lewis A. Moran Reforestation Center, 5800 Chiles Road, Davis, CA, the Nursery is where trees are propagated from seed we collect and are carefully grown in state-of-art greenhouses. Because growing from seed can take an entire year, the Nursery works with public and private forests to forecast where demand will be for future seasons. The need for quality seedlings is only growing.
If you are a private forestland owner or want to restore native trees on your property, the Reforestation Center offers available seedlings to both private and public forestlands.
The State Seed Bank
The state seed bank is a long-term seed repository stored in sub-zero freezer banks. Containing over 30,000 pounds of seed, the Seed Bank provides a wide variety of native tree species from a range of areas and elevations throughout the state. This helps restore native lands exposed to shifting climates, and rising uncertainties in the forest ecosystem.
The Seed Bank acts as protection against the threat of state-wide extinction, striving to preserve species for current and future generations of Californians. It is a vital part of reforestation’s future.
CAL FIRE’s L. A. Moran Reforestation Center is always seeking professional tree climbers for cone sampling and cone collections between July and October across the State. You must have your own liability insurance and gear. For more information, please contact the Seed Bank Manager.
See Us In Action!
Get an inside look at the CAL FIRE Reforestation Services program and the work they do across the state. Interested in a tour of the L.A. Moran Reforestation Center (LAMRC) in Davis, CA? Tours are held once a month based on interest and staff availability.
Seed Zone Lookup Tool
This interactive viewer allows users to search for their planting site location and click on the map to identify their seed zone and 500’ elevation band. This tool is intended to assist those when placing seed or seedling requests, or anyone else who is interested in exploring California Tree Seed Zones. Maps in PDF Form are also available.

Seed Bank Assessment of Needs (AON) 2024
- Climate Adapted Seed Tool (CAST)
- USDA CA Climate Hub Reforestation Resources
- Raising Forest Seedlings at Home External LinkExternal Link
- CA Native Plant Link Exchange External LinkExternal Link
- Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute External Link
- National Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR) Program External LinkExternal Link
- Reforestation Practices for Conifers in California External Link
External Link - Collecting and Sowing Acorns for California's Native Oaks (PDF)
- Reforestation - Forest Research and Outreach (UCANR)
- Reforesting California after Wildfire - American Forests
- How is California Saving its Forests? External Link
- Introduction to L.A. Moran Reforestation CenterExternal Link
- L.A. Moran Reforestation Center 100 Year HistoryExternal Link
- How to Get Seedlings from L.A. Moran Reforestation CenterExternal Link
- USFS and CAL FIRE Cone Survey and Collection Training 2022External Linkxternal Link
- Cone & Seed Collection: A Forest Stewardship Education Program Webinar - YouTube
If you have tree climbing experience, are privately insured, and are interested in cone collections, please contact for details.
It has become increasingly clear that no singular organization can work alone to address depleting conifer seed stock. The Reforestation Pipeline Partnership, led by American Forests and joined by CAL FIRE, the US Forest Service and other entities, have launched a new joint cone survey application where anyone can provide cone survey data. The Cone Observation Survey allows cone survey data to be shared across multiple organizations. This year is the kickoff, we ask that this be used when submitting survey data, and the public and private landowners are encouraged to participate. The State Seed Bank manager has distributed a memorandum containing a full description of how you can help support reforestation efforts in your region, additional resources, and detailed instructions on the Cone Observation Survey and criteria for rating cone crops.
For questions on your reforestation needs, please contact us at: (530) 753-2441.
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm.
Email: Reforestation@Fire.Ca.Gov